Scientists and Principal Investigators across the University are invited to apply for a Quellos Research Acceleration Awards, which will be awarded competitively in varying amounts to pay for pilot projects utilizing high throughput screening. It is the intent of these awards to provide University investigators access to high throughput screening in order to generate sufficient preliminary data that award recipients can use as preliminary results in future grant applications, as well as establish proof of concept data for expanded screens. These awards, and the Quellos High Throughput Screening Core (i.e., QHTS Core), are operated by the Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine at the South Lake Union campus of UW Medicine.
An award from to $2,000 to $5,000 will be issued as a facility credit for one year and applied to accepted projects toward the execution of a high throughput screen performed at the QHTS Core. This grant can be applied toward any aspect associated with the facility’s cost of screening (e.g., assay optimization, pilot screens, defraying cost of broad based chemical screens, etc.). The Core will provide all the necessary generalized screening components (i.e., instrumentation, libraries, infrastructure, and experienced consultation) for performing “loss of function assays” and/or chemical modulation.
Only University of Washington faculty are eligible for this award.
Should the screens result in licensed intellectual property, the School of Medicine will reinvest up to 5 percent of its share of the annual income stream towards replenishing and growing the Quellos Research Acceleration Award fund.
Simply fill out a High Throughput Screening Application Form and check the box for an instant assessment of your project’s qualifications for this award. Applications will be reviewed periodically depending on availability of funds.