It’s time once again for our ISCRM image contest–a great opportunity to display your work and share your research stories. The people who submit the top five images will be handsomely rewarded (see awards below). Once again, we’ll have an esteemed panel of judges who will evaluate entries and select the top five images based on a combination of artistic quality and scientific merit. The winning images will be printed and displayed in our hallways.
Amazon gift cards (and priceless bragging rights):
1st place – $100
2nd place – $75
3rd place – $50
4th place – $30
5th place – $30
Contest Rules:
1. One entry per person. The contest is open to all ISCRM faculty, staff, postdocs, and students (graduate and undergraduate). June 3rd is the final day to submit images.
2. All images must originate from ISCRM research projects.
3. Images can be altered from their original form if this was done for the purposes of better conveying scientific information.
4. The submitter should obtain permission from any colleagues who helped generate the sample or image.
To submit entries, go to this link:
Fill out the form and submit it with the button at the bottom of the page. It will send your information to Dale Hailey, and he will send further instructions and a link to a google drive folder where you can download your image.
If you have any questions, contact Dale at