ISCRM Antibodies — to request antibodies, email Nicole Fan at
SLU Shared Equipment

Resources and Facilities, and Equipment Documents

ISCRM has compiled detailed descriptions of resources, facilities, and equipment available on the South Lake Union campus to researchers. This information, which may be useful for grant proposals and on other forms, can be found here.

ISCRM Equipment Sign-Up Calendars

Histology Equipment
Includes cryostats (in D325, S421, S541), microtomes, tissue processor and embedder

*First time user? Training can be done by personnel already trained in your lab. Identify who will train you and reach out to Darrian ( and she will confirm your training and give you access to the calendar through Clustermarket. Once you schedule your training within your lab and have emailed Darrian, please use this link to sign up for a Clustermarket account.

If no one in your lab is currently trained or you are a new lab, please reach out to Darrian and we can work to get training done for you and your lab.

If you already received training and trying to use histology equipment? Use this link to sign up for a Clustermarket account and email Darrian ( to discuss equipment you need access to.

Note: D325 is a locked room and only trained users know where the key is located.

Sequencing Equipment
Includes 10x Chromium, TapeStation, NextSeq and Thermal Cycler

*First time user? Click here to register in order to join and book equipment.

Shared Equipment
Includes qPCRs, EnVision, Li-Cor Odyssey M and software computer

*First time user? Click here to register in order to join and book equipment.

Note: Online training along with orientation to Li-Cor Odyssey M by a member of the Crisa lab is mandatory.