All ISCRM activities adhere to the highest standards of ethics. Noted bioethicists are involved in every stage of research design, operations, and oversight. Formal training in bioethics occurs before study or research commences, and procedures are monitored thereafter to insure compliance. ISCRM follows all oversight and transparency protocols in accordance with University of Washington policies.
Oversight of the Team
Drs. Murry, Ruohola-Baker and Ware are internationally recognized researchers responsible for planning, oversight, and the scientific goals of ISCRM. They report to the office of the Dean of the School of Medicine, as well as to an internal oversight committee chaired by Dr. Charles Alpers, Chair of the UW Department of Pathology. In addition, ISCRM also receives advice and feedback on the direction of the Institute’s science from an external scientific advisory board that includes scientists who are considered leading experts in the field of regenerative medicine, and meets on an annual basis.
Oversight of Embryonic Stem Cell Research
The University of Washington established the Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee (ESCRO), which exists to review and approve research involving human embryonic stem cells (hESC). The ESCRO Committee review ensures that both institutional and public concerns regarding sensitive ethical, legal, scientific, and policy issues unique to hESC research are addressed. For more information please visit the ESCRO website.
Scientific Advisory Board
Jane S. Lebkowski, PhD
President, Research & Development
Regenerative Patch Technologies
Sean J. Morrison, PhD
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Director, Children’s Research Institute, Mary McDermott Cook Chair in Pediatric Genetics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Kathryn Richmond, PhD, MBA Executive Vice President
Director, Frontiers Group and Office of Science and Innovation
Allen Institute