You must electronically attest daily before performing any work in the Core. You must also record your attestation on the Daily Attestation Log posted on the N510 door. If you do not have a Workday account and are unable to electronically attest, you must respond with the questionnaire in the Core SOP and email it to or leave it in the file box on the table in the office.
If you are unable to complete the attestation because you are experiencing symptoms, you must:
a) Remain at home and not go to work when sick, even if the symptoms are mild
b) Immediately notify your lab supervisor and the Core Covid-19 supervisor at
Only 3 technicians can work per room at the same time. Always wear a disposable mask and keep a minimum of a 6ft workable space between each person. This includes but is not limited to microscopes, centrifuges, computers, cell counters, fridges, freezers and TC hoods.
If you need to cancel your reservation, contact Leena Pranikay at