Two University of Washington Cardiologists received honors at Northwestern University’s 14th Annual Northwestern Cardiovascular Young Investigator Forum.
Dr. Daniel Yang was presented with the grand prize in the Junior Faculty Basic Science category for his presentation titled “Novel Adult-Onset Systolic Cardiomyopathy due to MYH7 E848G Mutation in Patient-Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells“, receiving $10,000 to go towards cardiovascular research.
Fellow Cardiologist, and ISCRM Faculty Member, Farid Moussavi-Harami was awarded 3rd place for his submission.
The Jeremiah Stamler Distinguished Young Research Award was created to portray the influence Dr. Stamler had on cardiovascular research and preventive medicine.
“This is a great honor, and I’m very humbled by the award as I start my career,” said Dr. Yang. “This project was really a group effort between the Murry lab and multiple other labs at UW and ISRCM that spanned over half a decade. I was fortunate enough to be in the right place and right time with all of the cutting-edge technology and expertise at UW and ISCRM to make this all possible. I think this award is really a testament of the amazing science and collaboration that this environment fosters, and I’m proud to have been part of the effort.”
Currently Dr. Yang is pursuing his line of research into Systolic Cardiomyopathy as he transitions to a Junior Faculty Members at UW. Next he’ll set his sights on identifying other pathogenic myosin heavy chain 7 mutations and understanding the pathogenesis of MYH7 mutations-induced cardiomyopathies in an effort to identify a potential therapeutic intervention for patients with this condition.