Dr. Timothy J. Martins received his B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of California Riverside, his Ph.D. in Pharmacology at the University of Washington School of Medicine, and he performed his postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University’s Biological Laboratories. Dr. Martins was one of the original scientists at ICOS Corporation and remained there for 17 years, until an acquisition resulted in its becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of Eli Lilly & Co. Prior to that, Dr. Martins’ department performed all high-throughput screening assays for ICOS and was the primary provider of target-based, primary cell-based, and pharmaceutical profiling data to project leaders and medicinal chemists involved in chemical optimization programs at the company. Besides providing high throughput screening and chemical optimization program support, his department oversaw ICOS’ chemical repository, including library acquisition, storage, inventory and distribution functions. Prior to becoming ICOS’ Director of Biomolecular Sciences and Technology, Dr. Martins served as an Associate Director, Research, and was instrumental in ICOS’ “Bench to First-in-Man” approach to research. He was directly involved in the PDE5 inhibitor (Cialis) and PDE4 inhibitor (clinical entry) discovery/optimization programs. He emerged from an early retirement to oversee implementation of chemical screening at the Quellos HTS Core facility and general management of the screening laboratory.