Drug response screening of leukemia stem cells offers clues to relapse and suggests ways to improve patient-specific therapies Advances in rapid screening of leukemia cells for drug susceptibility and resistance […] Read More
Researchers built an algorithm to discern which drugs might best combat patients’ individual cases of acute myeloid leukemia. The statistics are grim. For patients fighting an aggressive form of leukemia known as acute myeloid leukemia, or AML, doctors over the last 40 years have usually used a combination of two drugs to fight the disease, but it seldom cures it. Read More
Beginning four years ago, 15 women with incurable (metastatic triple-negative) breast cancer were enrolled in a unique clinical trial. It explored one concept of “precision medicine” – the suggestion that the brain power of multiple medical experts and the collection of an immense volume of data about each woman’s condition would yield the most personalized, customized care possible. Read More
Trial enrollees sought; effort involves sharing tumors’ responses to therapy in massive public online database. Ten women with advanced breast cancer will participate in one of the most intensive clinical trials ever […] Read More