New Gene Therapy for Muscular Dystrophy Offers Hope

July 17, 2024 | Categories: Core Faculty, Research | Tagged: , ,

A new gene therapy treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) shows promise of not only arresting the decline of the muscles of those affected by this inherited genetic disease, but perhaps, in the future, repairing those muscles. Read More

Meet the 2024 Tietze Award Winners

May 24, 2024 | Categories: Award, Core Faculty | Tagged: , ,

ISCRM Associate Director Nate Sniadecki, PhD, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Hichem Tasfaout, PhD, Acting Assistant Professor, Neurology have received prestigious awards from the John H. Tietze Foundation Trust that will help fuel promising research underway in their labs. Read More

FDA Approves Gene Therapy with ISCRM Origins

July 5, 2023 | Categories: Core Faculty, Research | Tagged: , , ,

The FDA has approved a first-ever gene therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy based in part on technology developed by UW Medicine/ISCRM Researchers Read More

Gene Therapy Cassettes Improved for Muscular Dystrophy

February 1, 2019 | Categories: Research | Tagged: , , ,

February 1, 2019 Experimental gene therapy cassettes for Duchenne muscular dystrophy have been modified to deliver better performance.  The cassettes, which carry the therapy into muscle cells, contain newer versions […] Read More