ISCRM researchers have developed a tool to selectively control the PRC2 complex – an epigenetic regulator that influences cell fate across multiple stages of development. That tool is a computer-designed protein binder engineered in partnership with the Institute for Protein Design (IPD). Read More
ISCRM researchers use kidney organoids to demonstrate that COVID-19 is capable of infecting kidney cells directly and test whether a synthetic protein designed by the Institute for Protein Design (IPD) might be capable of preventing infection. Read More
Researchers from the Ruohola-Baker Lab have collaborated with the Institute for Protein Design on a technology in which designed proteins assemble antibodies in nanocage structures, increasing their potency against cancer, COVID-19, and other diseases. Read More
UW Medicine researchers recently lead a successful effort to create “designer” stem cells that might lead to advances in cancer and aging, they say. In a paper published in the journal PNAS, the scientists showed for the first time that a computer-generated protein can be inserted into stem cells to change their epigenetic memory, whose role is to ensure that a cell’s DNA sequence remains intact as it divides. Read More